Annie Chaloux
Annie Chaloux is an associate professor in the School of Applied Political Studies at the University of Sherbrooke. She is the director of the popular science journal Le Climatoscope, co-director of the Groupe d’études et de recherche sur l’international et le Québec (GÉRIQ) and of the Pôle intégré de recherche en environnement, santé et société (PIRESS). She has published in various scientific journals including International Negotiation, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, the Quebec Journal of International Law, and VertigO, and has published three collective works and written several chapters in Quebec and European collective works.
Her areas of expertise include Canadian and Quebec climate policies, international climate negotiations and Quebec and North American environmental and climate paradiplomacy. She is an active participant in public debates on these issues and is regularly invited to speak to the media across the country.