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B.C. can remain economically robust and competitive—by sticking with the carbon tax

Dale Beugin, carbon pricing expert and Executive Vice President of the Canadian Climate Institute, made the following statement about the B.C. carbon tax:  

“Provincial leadership to fight climate change is crucial, and British Columbia has been a trailblazer on climate policy that supports clean economic growth while keeping costs low for people. After 15 years, the B.C. carbon price is the gold standard in cost-effective climate policy.  

Study after study after study has shown B.C.’s carbon price works—all while B.C.’s economy has grown faster than any other province. British Columbians would have much to lose by throttling this momentum. 

“Eliminating or diluting the B.C. carbon tax would create economic uncertainty, reduce competitiveness, and set B.C. back in reducing emissions. The province would need to find other policies that reduce emissions in order to stay competitive in a global economy that is rapidly moving to net zero. Alternative policies would have higher costs, fewer emissions reductions, or both.  

“Climate change isn’t going away—as this summer’s record wildfires and extreme weather have shown, the damage is getting worse. Not only is climate change making weather-related disasters more frequent and severe in B.C., it’s also making life less affordable. Climate-related damages increase the average Canadian household’s cost of living by $700 each year.

“Carbon pricing is B.C.’s best and most cost-effective tool to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change. It gives businesses and households across the province an incentive to switch to cleaner fuels and use energy more efficiently.

“Climate action needs to be affordable for people, and B.C.’s carbon-pricing system is designed to address this priority. Many British Columbians receive money back in rebates through the Climate Action Tax Credit

“By continuing to lead the country on climate action through robust, cost-effective climate policy like the carbon price, British Columbia can continue to reduce emissions while maintaining a strong and competitive economy for people.”  


Catharine Tunnacliffe
Communications Director
Canadian Climate Institute
(226) 212-9883