Katie Sullivan

Toronto, ON

Katie Sullivan serves as Managing Director of the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), the global multi-sector business voice for the intersection of markets and climate change. On behalf of IETA’s 150+ corporate members, Ms. Sullivan leads efforts to inform market solutions to address environmental challenges across the Americas and globally. She also manages IETA’s growing climate finance, aviation and digital innovation sustainability initiatives. Ms. Sullivan currently sits on the Global Steering Committee for the World Bank’s Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC), Boards of the Climate Action Reserve (CAR) and the International Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Knowledge Centre, and Advisory Panels for Canada’s Institute for Clean Growth & Climate Change, the Ivey Foundation, and Blockchain for Climate Foundation. Prior to IETA, Ms. Sullivan worked as a Senior Consultant at ICF International. In 2019, Ms. Sullivan was recognized as a Clean16 and Clean50 award recipient for contributing to Clean Capitalism Leadership in Canada.