Rocky James

Rocky James is from the Pune’luxutth’ Tribe, part of the broader Coast Salish Nation. Rocky carries three ancestral names which are Qwtiis (Qwuh-tees), Siimultun (Sea-muhl-tun), and Thiyaustun (Thii-auhs-tun). Rocky is the Sole Proprietor of Salish Social Policy Design and Practice, which operates with the vision to prepare an increasing number of non-profit, private, and government sectors with the confidence to lead social policy change through Indigenous worldviews, transforming how we design and practice social policy. The mandate is to Increase our motivation to see Indigenous worldviews as a human right across policy sectors by building on the following three foundations: 

  • A strengths-based approach to community-based research for organizational change; 
  • Training for cultural literacy and cultural competency;
  • An Indigenous human development approach to social policy design and practice.

Rocky has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Indigenous/Hwul’muxw/Hwul’muhw Studies from Vancouver Island University, and a Master of Arts Degree in Studies in Policy and Practice from the Faculty of Human and Social Development from the University of Victoria. Rocky is also enrolled in the Doctor of Social Sciences Program at Royal Roads University, embarking on a personal journey to further his understanding and contribute to the field of Indigenous social science. His title is Standing Two-Spirit People Up in Their Strengths Through Two-Spirit Human Development.