B.C. Floods
The B.C. floods and mudslides are shaping up to be the most expensive weather-related disaster in Canadian history. As Canada’s climate continues to warm, increasingly severe and frequent floods, wildfires and storms will put more and more communities and people at risk.
What governments can do to protect communities
- Publish information on current and future extreme weather risks to inform infrastructure decisions
- Take climate change into account to build resilient new infrastructure and adapt the infrastructure we already have
- Bring an equity lens when making infrastructure decisions to make sure that the most vulnerable people and communities are protected
To learn more about the threats to Canada’s infrastructure and what to do about them, explore our report, Under Water: The costs of climate change for Canada’s infrastructure.
Under Water: The Costs of Climate Change for Canada's Infrastructure
Canada's infrastructure isn't prepared for the climate crisis. These risks are leaving Canadians under water, physically and financially, threatening our future well-being and prosperity.
We've been building for a world that no longer exists
Climate impacts are the macroeconomic threat we’re not paying enough attention to.
Maclean's: Canada’s economy won’t prosper without climate change investments
Opinion: The B.C. floods remind us of the consequences of ignoring the need for investment into infrastructure