Figure A

Figure A show that gas furnaces and boilers currently provide space heating for more than half of Canada's buildings, but provinces vary significantly.

Figure B

Figure B shows that on a cost-optimal path to net zero, electricity overhelmingly powers space heating by 2050, even in provinces that rely heavily on gas today.

Figure C

Figure C shows that on the path to net zero, buildings sector gas use declines in all provinces.

Figure D

Figure D shows that on a cost-optimal pathway, biomethane and hydrogen only replace a small fraction of today's gas use in buildings.

Figure E

Figure E show overall electricity capacity needs to increase. Electrification in all sectors, not only buildings, drives growth in peak demand.

Figure F

Figure F shows building's total energy use declines on the path to net zero due to improving efficiency.

Figure G

Figure G shows that various tools can help manage electricity demand peaks and lower system-wide costs.

Figure H

Figure H shows that on a cost-optimal path to net zero, the buildings sector only accounts for a small amount of low-carbon gas use.

Figure I

Figure I shows that even in Alberta, the province with the highest projected share of hybrid fuel systems by 2050, gas consumption is projected to fall.

Figure J

This data visualization shows that gas networks are growing, increasing costs, that must be paid for and maintained by the customer base.