
Introduction: Pursuing a Clean Growth Future
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Lipsey, R. 2019. “Policies for green growth versus policies for no growth: a matter of timing.” In Handbook on Green Growth. Ed., Roger Fouquet. Edward Elgar Publishing: United Kingdom.
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OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). 2011. Towards Green Growth. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Retrieved from https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/environment/towards-green-growth_9789264111318-en
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YHI (Yellowhead Institute). 2019. “Decolonizing Clean Energy Policy in Canada?” Ryerson University. Retrieved from https://yellowheadinstitute.org/2019/09/26/decolonizing-clean-energy-policy-in-canada/
Indicator 1: Low-carbon Growth
BP. 2020. BP Energy Outlook 2019 Edition. Retrieved from https://www.bp.com/content/dam/bp/business-sites/en/global/corporate/pdfs/energy-economics/energy-outlook/bp-energy-outlook-2019.pdf
Bundale, B. 2020. “N.S. exports to china hit nearly $1 billion, but 2020 trade hampered by coronavirus.” The Chronicle Herald. 5 February 2020. Retrieved from https://www.thechronicleherald.ca/business/local-business/exclusive-ns-exports-to-china-hit-nearly-1-billion-but-2020-trade-hampered-by-coronavirus-407393/
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CER (Canada Energy Regulator). 2020b. “Provincial and territorial energy profiles – Ontario.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/nrg/ntgrtd/mrkt/nrgsstmprfls/on-eng.html
CER (Canada Energy Regulator). 2020c. “Provincial and territorial energy profiles – Newfoundland and Labrador.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/nrg/ntgrtd/mrkt/nrgsstmprfls/nl-eng.html
CTG/WWF (Cleantech Group and World Wildlife Fund). 2017. Global Cleantech Innovation Index. Retrieved from http://info.cleantech.com/rs/151-JSY-946/images/Global_Cleatech_Innovation_Index_2017_FINAL.pdf
Dobson, Sarah and G. Kent Fellows. 2017. Big and Little Feet: A Comparison of Provincial Level Consumption and Production-based Emissions Footprints. The School of Public Policy Publications. University of Calgary. Volume 10:23, September 2017. Retrieved from http://www.policyschool.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Big-and-Little-Feet-Dobson-Fellows.pdf
ECCC (Environment and Climate Change Canada). 2020. “Canada’s Official Greenhouse Gas Inventory.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from http://data.ec.gc.ca/data/substances/monitor/canada-s-official-greenhouse-gas-inventory/
Government of PEI (Prince Edward Island). 2018. A Climate Change Action Plan for Prince Edward Island: 2018–2023. Government of Prince Edward Island. Retrieved from https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/publication/pei-climate-change-action-plan
Government of NB (New Brunswick). 2016. Transitioning to a Low-Carbon Economy: New Brunswick’s Climate Change Action Plan. Government of New Brunswick. Retrieved from https://www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/Departments/env/pdf/Climate-Climatiques/TransitioningToALowCarbonEconomy.pdf
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Government of SK (Saskatchewan). 2020. “Gross Domestic Product.” Government of Saskatchewan. Retrieved from https://dashboard.saskatchewan.ca/business-economy/key-economic-indicators/gross-domestic-product
Government of Yukon. 2020. “Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Yukon.” Government of Yukon. Retrieved from https://yukon.ca/sites/yukon.ca/files/env/env-greenhouse-gas-emissions-yukon.pdf
IBRD/WBG (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank Group). 2017. The Growing Role of Minerals and Metals for a Low Carbon Future. Retrieved from http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/207371500386458722/The-Growing-Role-of-Minerals-and-Metals-for-a-Low-Carbon-Future
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Leach, Andrew. 2020. “The symbolic meanings – and literal death – of Teck’s Frontier mine project.” The Globe and Mail. 28 February 2020. Retrieved from https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-the-symbolic-meanings-and-literal-death-of-tecks-frontier-mine/
Levinson, Arik. 2015. “A Direct Estimate of the Technique Effect: Changes in the Pollution Intensity of US Manufacturing 1990-2008.” National Bureau of Economic Research. Working Paper 20399. Retrieved from http://www.nber.org/papers/w20399
NRC (National Research Council of Canada). 2019. “Plant-based protein market: global and Canadian market analysis.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://nrc.canada.ca/en/research-development/research-collaboration/programs/plant-based-protein-market-global-canadian-market-analysis
OAG (Office of the Auditor General of Canada). 2017. 2017 December Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the Yukon Legislative Assembly: Climate Change in Yukon. Retrieved from https://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/English/yuk_201712_e_42706.html
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Schiebe, Torbjörn. 2019. “Should Every Country on Earth Copy Sweden’s Carbon Tax?” Apolitical. 17 October 2019. Retrieved from https://apolitical.co/en/solution_article/should-every-country-on-earth-copy-swedens-carbon-tax
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WEF (World Economic Forum). 2019. “Mapped: Fossil Fuel Production by Country.” Retrieved from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/06/mapped-fossil-fuel-production-by-country/
Indicator 2: Economic Resilience
Adriano, Lyle. 2017. “Financial Impact of the Fort McMurray wildfire at nearly $9 billion: Study.” Insurance Business Magazine. 19 January 2017. Retrieved from https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/ca/news/breaking-news/financial-impact-of-the-fort-mcmurray-wildfire-at-nearly-9-billion-study-45408.aspx
Antunes, Pedro and Marie-Christine Bernard. 2016. Economic Repercussions of Fort Mac Fires — More Complex than at First Glance. The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.conferenceboard.ca/reports/briefings/alberta-wildfires.aspx
Bryan-Baynes, Elysia. 2019. “Quebec announces revamped flooding compensation program.” Global News. 15 April 2019. Retrieved from https://globalnews.ca/news/5171302/quebec-flooding-compensation/
CDP (Climate Disclosure Project). 2018. “City Climate Hazard Data.” Retrieved from https://data.cdp.net/browse?category=Climate+Hazards
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ECCC (Environment and Climate Change Canada). 2019. “Canada in a Changing Climate.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://changingclimate.ca/
Henstra, Daniel and Jason Thistlethwaite. 2017. “Climate change, floods, and municipal risk sharing in Canada.” Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance. No. 30. Retrieved from https://munkschool.utoronto.ca/imfg/uploads/373/1917_imfg_no_30_online_final.pdf
IBC (Insurance Bureau of Canada). 2019. Options for Managing Flood Costs of Canada’s Highest Risk Residential Properties: A Report of the National Working Group on Financial Risk of Flooding. Retrieved from http://assets.ibc.ca/Documents/Studies/IBC-Flood-Options-Paper-EN.pdf
Intact. 2020. Factoring Climate Risk into Financial Valuation. Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation. Retrieved from https://www.intactcentreclimateadaptation.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Factoring-Climate-Risk-into-Financial-Valuation.pdf
ISC (Indigenous Services Canada). 2019. “Costs reimbursed by the Emergency Management Assistance Program (EMAP) between 2005 and 2019.” Retrieved from https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1560363002018/1560363016109
Kirchmeier-Young, M.C., F.W. Zwiers, N.P. Gillett et al. 2017. “Attributing extreme fire risk in Western Canada to human emissions.” Climatic Change. 144, 365–379. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-017-2030-0
MacEwan University. 2017. “Quantifying disaster: Economics profs report first findings in total cost of Fort McMurray wildfires.” Retrieved from https://www.macewan.ca/wcm/MacEwanNews/STORY_FT_MAC_ECON_RESEARCH_2
Maratta, Alessia Simona. 2019. “Only half of Quebec flood victims have received full compensation from the government.” Global News. 16 December 2019. Retrieved from https://globalnews.ca/news/6300550/quebec-flood-victim-compensation/
Meckbach, Greg. 2018. “Where Canada sits with overland flood insurance.” Canadian Underwriter. 5 June 2018. Retrieved from https://www.canadianunderwriter.ca/insurance/canada-sits-overland-flood-insurance-1004132703/
Minano, Andrea, Daniel Henstra and Jason Thistlethwaite. 2019. “Better flood maps are required to protect Canadians and their property.” CIGI Policy Brief No. 154. 16 July 2019. Retrieved from https://www.cigionline.org/publications/better-flood-maps-are-required-protect-canadians-and-their-property
Oduro, Kwabeno. 2020. “Montreal calling on Quebec for funds to cover high cost of spring floods.” Global News. 9 January 2020. Retrieved from https://globalnews.ca/news/6387714/montreal-quebec-funds-cost-spring-floods/
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). 2019. Fiscal Resilience to Natural Disasters: Lessons from Country Experiences. Retrieved from http://www.oecd.org/gov/fiscal-resilience-to-natural-disasters-27a4198a-en.htm
PSC (Public Safety Canada). 2017. “2016–2017 Evaluation of the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/vltn-dsstr-fnncl-ssstnc-2016-17/index-en.aspx
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Stone, Andy. 2020. “Insurers struggle to address climate risk.” Forbes. 20 January 2020. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/andystone/2020/01/30/climate-change-will-make-more-of-the-world-uninsurable/#67d34f6f655a
Tett, Simon et al. 2018. “Anthropogenic forcings and associated changes in fire risk in western North America and Australia during 2015/16.” American Meteorological Society. January 2018. Retrieved from https://www.climatesignals.org/sites/default/files/reports/climate_signals_tett_et_al._2018_bams.pdf
Teufel, B., G.T. Diro, K. Whan, S.M. Milrad et al. 2017. “Investigation of the 2013 Alberta flood from weather and climate perspectives.” Climate Dynamics. 48(9/10). Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-016-3239-8
Tigue, Kristoffer. 2019. “Climate change becomes an issue for ratings agencies.” Inside Climate News. 5 August 2019. Retrieved from https://insideclimatenews.org/news/04082019/climate-change-ratings-agencies-financial-risk-cities-companies
Indicator 3: Technology Development
ACTia and MaRS Data Catalyst. 2019. Alberta Clean Technology Sector 2019. Retrieved from https://actia.ca/ab-cleantech-sector-report-2019/
Bataille, C. 2019. “Physical and policy pathways to net-zero emissions industry.” WIREs Climate Change. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1002/wcc.633
CIPO (Canadian Intellectual Property Office). 2017. “Patented inventions in climate change mitigation technologies.” Retrieved from https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/cipointernet-internetopic.nsf/eng/h_wr04289.html
CTG (Cleantech Group). 2020. “2020 Global Cleantech 100.” Retrieved from https://www.cleantech.com/release/top-private-companies-in-clean-technology-named/
Deloitte and ESSA Technologies. 2016. International export markets: Canadian climate change adaptation goods and services. Prepared for Natural Resources Canada. Retrieved from https://essa.com/explore-essa/projects/the-global-need-for-climate-adaptation-goods-and-services/
ESTCT (Economic Strategy Table on Clean Technology). 2018. Report from Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Clean Technology. Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/098.nsf/eng/00023.html
Fellows, G. Kent, Victoria Goodday and Jennifer Winter. 2019. A Review of Barriers to Full-Scale Deployment of Emissions-Reduction Technologies. Prepared for Emissions Reduction Alberta.
Filion, Nadine. 2019. “Quebec invests $20 million in Canada’s pioneering electric car research hub.” Driving. 26 November 2019. Retrieved from https://driving.ca/auto-news/news/quebec-invests-20-million-in-canadas-pioneering-electric-car-research-hub
Hansen, Erik, Florian Lüdeke-Freund, Xiaohong Quan and Joel West. 2017. “Beyond technology push vs. demand pull: The evolution of solar policy in the U.S., Germany and China.” 2017 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference. 119–124. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318890507_Beyond_technology_push_vs_demand_pull_The_evolution_of_solar_policy_in_the_US_Germany_and_China
IEA (International Energy Agency). 2019. Innovation Gaps: Key long-term technology challenges for research, development and demonstration. International Energy Agency. Retrieved from https://www.iea.org/reports/innovation-gaps
JWN. 2020. “New future for Alberta bitumen in advanced materials.” JWN Energy. Retrieved from https://www.jwnenergy.com/article/2020/1/new-future-alberta-bitumen-advanced-materials/
MaRS Data Catalyst. 2019. Electrification Companies Across Canada: Results from the National Cleantech Survey 2017–2018. Prepared for the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices.
Neufeld, Dorothy. 2019. “5 renewable energy stocks on the TSX.” Cleantech Investing News. 12 November 2019. Retrieved from https://investingnews.com/daily/tech-investing/cleantech-investing/renewable-energy-stocks-tsx/
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). 2020. “Patents in Environmentally Related Technologies: Patent Applications Filed Under the PCT by a Canadian Inventor.” Retrieved from https://stats.oecd.org/
Rubin, Edward, Ines Azevedo, Paulina Jaramillo, and Sonia Yeh. 2015. “A Review of Learning Rates for Electricity Supply Technologies.” Energy Policy. 86: 198-218 Retrieved from https://www.cmu.edu/epp/iecm/rubin/PDF%20files/2015/A%20review%20of%20learning%20rates%20for%20electricity%20supply%20technologies.pdf
Sartor, O. and C. Bataille. 2019. Decarbonising basic materials in Europe: How carbon contracts-for-difference could help bring breakthrough technologies to market. Paris, France: Institut du Developpement Durable et des Relations Internationales. Retrieved from https://www.iddri.org/en/publications-and-events/study/decarbonising-basic-materials-europe
Statistics Canada. 2019a. “Table 27-10-0356-01: Innovations with environmental benefits by industry and enterprise size.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.25318/2710035601-eng
Statistics Canada. 2019b. “Table 27-10-0149-01: Product or process innovations with environmental benefits by industry and enterprise size.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.25318/2710014901-eng
Statistics Canada. 2019c. “Clean technologies and the Survey of Environmental Goods and Services: A technical reference guide.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/16-511-x/16-511-x2019001-eng.htm
Statistics Canada. 2020a. “Table 36-10-0630-01: Environmental and Clean Technology Products Economic Account, gross domestic product.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.25318/3610063001-eng
Statistics Canada. 2020b. “Table 36-10-0627-01: Environmental and Clean Technology Products Economic Account, production account.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.25318/3610062701-eng
Statistics Canada. 2020c. “Table 36-10-0221-01: Gross domestic product, income-based, provincial and territorial, annual.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.25318/3610022101-eng
Statistics Canada. 2020d. “Table 38-10-0031-01: Revenues from environmental and clean technology goods and services exports, Canada and regions.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.25318/3810003101-eng
Indicator 4: Technology Adoption
CER (Canada Energy Regulator). 2019. “Market Snapshot: How does Canada rank in terms of vehicle fuel economy?” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/nrg/ntgrtd/mrkt/snpsht/2019/07-05hwdscndrnk-eng.html
CER (Canada Energy Regulator). 2020. “Provincial and Territorial Energy Profiles – Canada.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/nrg/ntgrtd/mrkt/nrgsstmprfls/cda-eng.html
CTCN (Climate Technology Centre and Network). 2020. “Technology Sectors – Adaptation.” Retrieved from https://www.ctc-n.org/technology-sectors
DEEP Centre. 2016. Accelerating Canada’s Clean Growth Economy: Cleantech Adoption Strategies for a Low-Carbon World. Retrieved from http://deepcentre.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/DEEP_Centre_Clean_Growth_Economy.pdf
DDPP (Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project). 2015. Pathways To Deep Decarbonization – 2015 Executive Summary. SDSN – IDDRI. Retrieved from http://deepdecarbonization.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/DDPP_EXESUM-1.pdf
Dow, Jameson. 2019. “Survey says consumers avoid electric cars due to three myths: range, price, charging.” Electrek. 20 August 2019. Retrieved from https://electrek.co/2019/08/20/survey-consumers-avoid-evs-myths-range-price-charging/
ECCC (Environment and Climate Change Canada). 2016. Canada’s Mid-Century Long-term Low-Greenhouse Gas Development Strategy. Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://unfccc.int/files/focus/long-term_strategies/application/pdf/canadas_mid-century_long-term_strategy.pdf
ECCC (Environment and Climate Change Canada). 2020a. National Inventory Report 1990–2018: Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada Part 1. Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://unfccc.int/documents/224829
ECCC (Environment and Climate Change Canada). 2020b. Canada’s Fourth Biennial Report on Climate Change. Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://unfccc.int/documents/209928
ECCC (Environment and Climate Change Canada). 2020c. 2020 National Inventory Report. Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://unfccc.int/documents/224829
IEA (International Energy Agency). 2019. “Total Primary Energy Supply by Source.” Retrieved from https://www.iea.org/data-and-statistics
IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency). 2019. “Falling Renewable Power Costs Open Door to Greater Climate Ambition.” Retrieved from https://www.irena.org/newsroom/pressreleases/2019/May/Falling-Renewable-Power-Costs-Open-Door-to-Greater-Climate-Ambition
NRCan (Natural Resources Canada). 2018. “Factors Affecting Fuel Efficiency: Cold Weather.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/energy/efficiency/energy-efficiency-transportation-and-alternative-fuels/choosing-right-vehicle/tips-buying-fuel-efficient-vehicle/factors-affect-fuel-efficiency/cold-weather/21032
Rissman, J., C. Bataille, E. Masanet, N. Aden, W. Morrow, N. Zhou, N. Elliot, R. Dell, N. Heeren, B. Huckestein, J. Cresko, S. Willer, J. Roy, P. Fennell, B. Cremmins, T. Koch, B. Koch Blank, D. Hone, E. Williams, and J. Helseth. 2020. “Technologies and policies to decarbonize global industry: Review and assessment of mitigation drivers through 2070.” Applied Energy. Volume 266, 114848. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.114848
SaskPower. 2020. “Boundary Dam Carbon Capture Project.” Retrieved from https://www.saskpower.com/Our-Power-Future/Infrastructure-Projects/Carbon-Capture-and-Storage/Boundary-Dam-Carbon-Capture-Project
Shorthouse, Paul. 2019. “How Precision Agriculture Can Revolutionize Canada’s Agri-food Sector.” The Delphi Group. Retrieved from https://delphi.ca/2019/07/precision-agriculture-can-revolutionize-canadas-agri-food-sector/
Statistics Canada. 2019a. “Table 20-10-0021-01: New motor vehicle registrations.” Government of Canada. Retrieved fromhttps://doi.org/10.25318/2010002101-eng
Statistics Canada. 2019b. “Table 27-10-0367-01: Use of advanced or emerging technologies by industry and enterprise size.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.25318/2710036701-eng
Statistics Canada. 2019c. “Table 27-10-0369-01: Clean technology use by industry and enterprise size.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.25318/2710036901-eng
Statistics Canada. 2019d. “Table 27-10-0368-01: Reasons for not adopting or using advanced technologies by industry and enterprise size.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.25318/2710036801-eng
Statistics Canada. 2020. “Table 32-10-0359-01: Estimated areas, yield, production, average farm price and total farm value of principal field crops, in metric and imperial units.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.25318/3210035901-eng
WNA (World Nuclear Association). 2020. “Country Profiles: France.” Retrieved from https://www.world-nuclear.org/information-library/country-profiles/countries-a-f/france.aspx
Indicator 5: Low-carbon, Resilient Trade
Analytica Advisors. 2017. 2017 Canadian Clean Technology Industry Report. Retrieved from http://analytica-advisors.com/sites/default/files/2017%20Canadian%20Clean%20Technology%20Industry%20Report%20Synopsis%20FINAL.pdf
ECCC (Environment and Climate Change Canada). 2019. Canada’s Fourth Biennial Report on Climate Change. Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www4.unfccc.int/sites/SubmissionsStaging/NationalReports/Documents/1687459_Canada-BR4-1-Canada%E2%80%99s%20Fourth%20Biennial%20Report%20on%20Climate%20Change%202019.pdf
Elgie, S. and M. Brownlee. 2017. Accelerating Clean Innovation in Canada. Smart Prosperity Institute. Retrieved from https://institut.intelliprosperite.ca/sites/default/files/acceleratingcleaninnovationincanada_0.pdf
IFC (International Finance Cooperation). 2018. IFC-Canada Climate Change Program: End-of-Investment Period Report. Retrieved from https://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/e42ee4af-0d9b-479a-b323-bc1c58fe86d0/ifc-climate-change-program-canada-062018.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=mtX0VE6
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). 2013. Climate and Carbon: Aligning Prices and Policies. OECD Environment Policy Paper, 1. Retrieved from https://read.oecd-ilibrary.org/environment-and-sustainable-development/climate-and-carbon_5k3z11hjg6r7-en#page1
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). 2017. Green Growth Indicators 2017. Retrieved from https://read.oecd-ilibrary.org/environment/green-growth-indicators-2017_9789264268586-en#page120
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). 2018. “Net Official Development Assistance.” Retrieved from https://data.oecd.org/oda/net-oda.htm
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). 2020. “Green Growth Indicators: Official development assistance.” Retrieved from https://stats.oecd.org
Provenzano, Marco, Jack Wang and Ian Donegan. 2019. “International Trade in Environmental and Clean Technology Products by Origin and Destination, 2007 to 2017.” Statistics Canada. https://www150.Statistics Canada.gc.ca/n1/pub/16-001-m/16-001-m2019001-eng.htm
Rohan, S. 2019. Advancing Reconciliation in Canada: A Guide for Investors. Reconciliation & Responsible Investment Initiative. Retrieved from https://share.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/RRII-Guide-FINAL-2.pdf
SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board). 2018. Oil and gas: Exploration and Production Sustainability Accounting Standard. Retrieved from https://www.sasb.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Oil_Gas_Exploration_Production_Standard_2018.pdf
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Indicator 6: Low-carbon, Resilient Infrastructure
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FCM (Federation of Canadian Municipalities). 2019. Guide for Integrating Climate Change Considerations into Municipal Asset Management. Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program. Retrieved from https://fcm.ca/sites/default/files/documents/programs/mcip/guide-for-integrating-climate-change-considerations-into-municipal-am.pdf
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NRCan (Natural Resources Canada). 2020. “Renewable Energy Facts.” Retrieved from https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/science-and-data/data-and-analysis/energy-data-and-analysis/energy-facts/renewable-energy-facts/20069#L7
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Sawyer, D., K. Monahan and J. Peters. 2019. Growing Clean: Investment Flows in Low-carbon Technology to 2030. Smart Prosperity Institute. Retrieved from https://institute.smartprosperity.ca/sites/default/files/report-growingclean.pdf
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Indicator 7: Low-carbon Jobs
Anderson, Drew. 2020. “$1.7B to clean up orphaned and abandoned wells could create thousands of jobs.” CBC News. 17 April 2020. Retrieved from https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/federal-oil-and-gas-orphan-wells-program-1.5535943
Baldwin, John R., Wulong Gu, Ryan Macdonald and Beiling Yan. 2014; “Productivity: What is it? How is it measured? What Has Canada’s performance been over the period 1961 to 2012?” The Canadian Productivity Review. 15-206-X2014038. Statistics Canada. Retrieved from https://www150.Statistics Canada.gc.ca/n1/pub/15-206-x/15-206-x2014038-eng.htm
CICC (Canadian Institute for Climate Choices). 2020. Charting Our Course. Retrieved from https://climatechoices.ca/reports/charting-our-course/
Conference Board of Canada. 2019. “Finding Focus: The Future of Work in Canada.” Retrieved from https://www.conferenceboard.ca/insights/blogs/finding-focus-the-future-of-work-in-canada
ECCC (Environment and Climate Change Canada). 2016. Canada’s Mid-Century Long-Term Low-Greenhouse Gas Development Strategy. Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://unfccc.int/files/focus/long-term_strategies/application/pdf/canadas_mid-century_long-term_strategy.pdf
ECCC (Environment and Climate Change Canada). 2019. Canada’s Changing Climate Report 2019. Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://changingclimate.ca/CCCR2019
ECCC (Environment and Climate Change Canada). 2020a. “Canada’s official greenhouse gas inventory.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from http://data.ec.gc.ca/data/substances/monitor/canada-s-official-greenhouse-gas-inventory/
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EDC (Export Development Canada). 2020. “Top 10 Global Risks.” Retrieved from https://www.edc.ca/en/article/top-10-risks-guide-infographic.html
Efficiency One. 2017. “Annual Report shows the good things efficiency brings all Nova Scotians.” Retrieved from https://www.efficiencyns.ca/news/annual-report-shows-good-things-efficiency-brings-nova-scotians/
EPSF (Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance). 2019. Final Report of the Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance: Mobilizing Finance for Sustainable Growth. Retrieved from http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En4-350-2-2019-eng.pdf
ILO (International Labour Organization). 2016. “What is a Green Job?” Retrieved from https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/green-jobs/news/WCMS_220248/lang–en/index.htm
INAC (Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada). 2016. “Dokis First Nation Okikendawt Project.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1459449220161/1459449341752
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Indigenous Clean Energy. 2020. “Indigenous Clean Energy Projects.” Retrieved from https://indigenouscleanenergy.com/ice-projects/
Indigenous Climate Action. 2020. “Climate Justice. Indigenous-Led.” Retrieved from https://www.indigenousclimateaction.com/
Iron & Earth. 2016. Workers’ Climate Plan Report: A Blueprint for Sustainable Jobs and Energy. Retrieved from https://www.workersclimateplan.ca/
JTC (Just Transition Centre). 2017. Just Transition: A Report for the OECD. Retrieved from https://www.oecd.org/environment/cc/g20-climate/collapsecontents/Just-Transition-Centre-report-just-transition.pdf
Lundy, Matt. 2020. “Women, younger workers bear brunt of one million job losses in March.” The Globe and Mail. 9 April 2020. Retrieved from https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/economy/article-canada-loses-record-1-million-jobs-as-coronavirus-fallout-slams/
Manyika, James. 2017. “Technology, jobs, and the future of work.” McKinsey and Company. 24 May 2017. Retrieved from https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/employment-and-growth/technology-jobs-and-the-future-of-work
Moffat, Mike. 2019. Construction and Carbon: The Impact of Climate Policy on Building in Canada in 2025. Smart Prosperity Institute. Retrieved from https://institute.smartprosperity.ca/sites/default/files/constructionandcarbonreport.pdf
NCE (New Climate Economy). 2018. Unlocking the Inclusive Growth Story of the 21st Century. New Climate Economy. Retrieved from https://newclimateeconomy.report/2018/
NRCan (Natural Resources Canada). 2015. Canada in a Changing Climate: Sector Perspectives on Impacts and Adaptation. Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/environment/resources/publications/impacts-adaptation/reports/assessments/2014/16309
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). 2017. Green Growth Indicators 2017. OECD Green Growth Studies. OECD Publishing, Paris. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264268586-en
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Weikle, Brandie. 2019. “Millennials are on a quest to find meaningful work — and they’re willing to take less pay to get it.” CBC News. 30 March 2019. Retrieved from https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/millennials-meaningful-work-1.5075483
Winter, Jennifer and Michal Moore. 2013. “The ‘green jobs’ fantasy: why the economic and environmental reality can never live up to the political promise.” SPP Research Papers. Volume 6 Issue 31. The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary. Retrieved from https://www.policyschool.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/j-winter-green-jobs-final.pdf
Indicator 8: Affordable Energy
Boardman, B. 1991. Fuel Poverty: from Cold Homes to Affordable Warmth. London: Belhaven Press.
Boardman, B. 2010. Fixing Fuel Poverty: Challenges and Solutions. Retrieved from https://www.energypoverty.eu/publication/fixing-fuel-poverty-challenges-and-solutions
Borenstein, S. and L. Davis. 2016. “The Distributional Effects of US Clean Energy Tax Credits.” In Tax Policy and the Economy, eds. J. Brown. Volume 30. National Bureau of Economic Research: University of Chicago Press.
Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission. 2015. The Way Forward: A Practical Approach to Reducing Canada’s GHG Emissions. Retrieved from https://ecofiscal.ca/reports/wayforward/
Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission. 2016. Course Correction: It’s Time to Rethink Canadian Biofuel Policies. Retrieved from https://ecofiscal.ca/reports/course-correction-time-rethink-canadian-biofuel-policies/
CCPA (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives). 2013. “Indigenous children face deplorable poverty.” Retrieved from https://www.policyalternatives.ca/newsroom/updates/indigenous-children-face-deplorable-poverty
CER (Canada Energy Regulator). 2017a. “Market snapshot: Canadian electricity prices generally increasing faster than inflation, but trends vary among provinces.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/nrg/ntgrtd/mrkt/snpsht/2017/05-03cndnlctrctprcs-eng.html
CER (Canada Energy Regulator). 2017b. “Market Snapshot: Fuel poverty across Canada – lower energy efficiency in lower income households.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/nrg/ntgrtd/mrkt/snpsht/2017/08-05flpvrt-eng.html
City of Calgary. 2019. “Calgary Transit Low Income Transit Pass Program.” Retrieved from https://pub-calgary.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=96496
CUSP (Canadian Urban Sustainability Practitioners). 2019. “The many faces of energy poverty in Canada.” Retrieved from https://energypoverty.ca/
Doluweera, G., A. Vypovska, A. Datta and S. Iwuoha. 2018. Impacts of Carbon Management on Canadian Electricity Prices. Canadian Energy Research Institute. Retrieved from https://ceri.ca/assets/files/Study_171_Full_Report.pdf
ECCC (Environment and Climate Change Canada). 2020. “Canada’s official greenhouse gas inventory.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from http://data.ec.gc.ca/data/substances/monitor/canada-s-official-greenhouse-gas-inventory/
Neuman, K. 2018. “Canadians’ confidence in national institutions steady.” Policy Options. August 2018. Retrieved from https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/august-2018/canadians-confidence-in-national-institutions-steady/
OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). 2018. “Income inequality.” Retrieved from https://data.oecd.org/inequality/income-inequality.htm
Popp, D. 2016. A Blueprint for Going Green: The Best Policy Mix for Promoting Low-Emission Technology. C.D. Howe Institute E-Brief. July 19, 2016. Retrieved from https://www.cdhowe.org/sites/default/files/attachments/research_papers/mixed/e-brief_242.pdf
Robinson, Matt. 2019. “B.C.’s electric vehicle incentives still favour wealthier homeowners.” Vancouver Sun. 26 June 2019. Retrieved from https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/b-c-s-electric-vehicle-incentives-still-favour-wealthier-homeowners/
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Stone, C. 2015. “Designing rebates to protect low-income households under a carbon tax.” Retrieved from Resources Magazine. September 2015. Retrieved from https://media.rff.org/archive/files/document/file/RFF-Resources-190_CarbonTaxRebates_0.pdf
Vallier, K. 2019. Social and political trust. Niskanen Center Research Paper. Retrieved from https://www.niskanencenter.org/wp-content/uploads/old_uploads/2019/05/Vallier-Social-and-Political-Trust-Niskanen.pdf
Winter, J., B. Dolter and G. Kent Fellows. 2019. “Carbon Pricing Costs for Households and Revenue Recycling Options in Canada.” Retrieved from https://jenniferwinter.github.io/website/Winter_Dolter_FellowsSept2019.pdf
Indicator 9: Inclusive Resilience
Beedie, N., D. Macdonald and D. Wilson. 2019. Towards Justice: Tackling Indigenous Child Poverty in Canada. Assembly of First Nations, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and Upstream. Retrieved from https://www.afn.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Upstream_report_final_English_June-24-2019.pdf
Cameron, E. 2012. “Securing Indigenous politics: A critique of the vulnerability and adaptation approach to the human dimensions of climate change in the Canadian Arctic.” Global Environmental Change, 22: 103–114. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2011.11.004
Cardona, O.D., M.K. van Aalst, J. Birkmann, M. Fordham, G. McGregor, R. Perez, R.S. Pulwarty, E.L.F. Schipper and B.T. Sinh. 2012. “Determinants of risk: exposure and vulnerability.” In: Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. Eds., Field, C.B., V. Barros, T.F. Stocker, D. Qin, D.J. Dokken, K.L. Ebi, M.D. Mastrandrea, K.J. Mach, G.-K. Plattner, S.K. Allen, M. Tignor and P.M. Midgley. A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., and New York, NY, U.S., pp. 65–108.
Chakraborty, L., H. Rus, D. Henstra, J. Thistlethwaite and D. Scott. 2020. “A place-based socioeconomic status index: Measuring social vulnerability to flood hazards in the context of environmental justice.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 43. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2019.101394
Council of Canadian Academies. 2019. Canada’s Top Climate Change Risks: The Expert Panel on Climate Change Risks and Adaptation Potential. Retrieved from https://cca-reports.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Report-Canada-top-climate-change-risks.pdf
ECCC (Environment and Climate Change Canada). 2019. “Canada in a Changing Climate.” Environment and Climate Change Canada. Retrieved from https://changingclimate.ca/
ESDC (Employment and Social Development Canada). 2016. “Towards a Poverty Reduction Strategy – A backgrounder on poverty in Canada.” Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/poverty-reduction/backgrounder.html
Government of British Columbia. 2019. Preliminary Strategic Climate Risk Assessment for British Columbia. Report prepared for the Government of British Columbia, Victoria, BC. Retrieved from https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/climate-change/adaptation/risk-assessment
Haalboom, B. and D. Natcher. 2012. “The power and peril of ‘vulnerability’: Approaching community labels with caution in climate change research.” Arctic, 65(3): 319–327. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.14430/arctic4219
Hallegatte, S., A. Vogt-Schilb, J. Rozenberg, M. Bangalore and C. Beaudet. 2020. “From poverty to disaster and back: a review of the literature.” Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, 4, 223–247. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1007/s41885-020-00060-5
Health Canada. 2020. Reducing Urban Heat Islands To Protect Health In Canada: An Introduction for Public Health Professionals. Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/hc-sc/documents/services/health/publications/healthy-living/reducing-urban-heat-islands-protect-health-canada/Reducing-Urban-Heat-EN.pdf
Heisz, A., G. Notten and J. Situ. 2016. “The association between skills and low income.” Insights on Canadian Society. February 2016. Statistics Canada. Retrieved from https://www150.Statistics Canada.gc.ca/n1/pub/75-006-x/2016001/article/14322-eng.htm
IPCC. 2007. Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Glossary, pp. 869–883. Eds., Parry, M.L., O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linder and C.E. Hanson. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
Johnston, N. and A. Sharpe. 2019. An Infrastructure Index for Remote Indigenous Communities. Centre for the Study of Living Standards. Retrieved from http://www.csls.ca/reports/csls2019-04.pdf
Lavell, A., M. Oppenheimer, C. Diop, J. Hess, R. Lempert, J. Li, R. Muir-Wood and S. Myeong. 2012. “Climate change: new dimensions in disaster risk, exposure, vulnerability, and resilience.” In: Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. Eds., Field, C.B., V. Barros, T.F. Stocker, D. Qin, D.J. Dokken, K.L. Ebi, M.D. Mastrandrea, K.J. Mach, G.-K. Plattner, S.K. Allen, M. Tignor and P.M. Midgley. A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, and New York, NY, USA, pp. 25–64.
Manangan, A., C. Uejio, S. Sahal, P. Schramm, G. Marinucci, C. Langford-Brown, J. Hess and G. Luber. 2016. Assessing Health Vulnerability to Climate Change: A Guide for Health Departments. National Center for Environmental Health. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/climateandhealth/pubs/assessinghealthvulnerabilitytoclimatechange.pdf
Minano, A., D. Henstra and J. Thistlethwaite. 2019. Better Flood Maps Are Required to Protect Canadians and Their Property. CIGI Policy Brief No. 154. 16 July 2019. Retrieved from https://www.cigionline.org/publications/better-flood-maps-are-required-protect-canadians-and-their-property
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Indicator 10: Clean Air
Badshah, H., F. Posada and R. Muncrief. 2019. Current State of NOx Emissions from In-use Heavy-duty Diesel Vehicles in the United States. The International Council on Clean Transportation. Retrieved from https://theicct.org/sites/default/files/publications/NOx_Emissions_In_Use_HDV_US_20191125.pdf
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