Justice and Equity Statement

Our Commitment to Justice and Equity

For climate change policy to be effective and durable over the long term, it must include, support, and engage a broad range of people in this country.

We acknowledge that systemic injustices and inequities stemming from historical colonization and ongoing discrimination have positioned certain people and communities at greater risk of physical, social, and economic impacts from climate change and climate policy. This includes Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour, lower-income people, 2SLGBTQQIA+ people, people with disabilities, and others. Further, these groups and their experiences are often not adequately represented in climate policy development and implementation.

These communities have a considerable stake in the development of effective climate change policy and its outcomes, and they must  be included and centred in Canada’s research, policy, and decision-making processes.

To advance that goal, the Canadian Climate Institute will work toward:

  1. Creating more space in our work and organization for those who are currently under-represented, and reducing barriers to equitable participation by strengthening equity in our hiring practices, staff training, and organizational culture.
  2. Integrating diverse and underrepresented experiences, values, and worldviews—including those of people most affected by climate change and climate policy—in our work to advance more just and effective policy approaches.
  3. Supporting and upholding Indigenous rights and self-determination, particularly in the context of climate change and clean growth policies, which can include working with Indigenous languages as appropriate. Read more about our Reconciliation Journey.
  4. Encouraging our partners to adopt similar practices.